shaving, dressing in baby doll!

even if I did not have much hair to shave afinb I go to get ready for my plans in the forest. tite then contrib lingerie! If You are not looking for actual forest plan 91/92 not bother to take my msn to thank you in advance!
Original description in french:
rasage,essayage de nuisette!! meme si j ai pas beaucoup de poils je passe au rasage afinb d etre pret pour mes plans en foret. ensuite tite contrib de lingerie!! si vous n etes pas la recherche de plan reels en foret 91/92 pas la peine de prendre mon msn merci d avance!

Contribution K1000 - 17/05/2010

Nick:   fireman
Location:   France, Ile-de-France
Amateur is certified G282
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